
3 minute read

Dear Members, Welcome back to another term in Oxford! We hope you’ve all had an enjoyable break. And good luck to those who have exams coming up! The new committee have been busy planning an exciting list of events for the coming weeks. See below for our brand new term card, and details on the next few weeks of events. We are always looking to host more social events, and are very happy to be guided by your ideas and preferences on that.

3 minute read

Dear Members, Welcome back to a new term at Oxford. We hope you have all settled in well and made a good start to the new year. Without further ado I would like to inform you of the very exciting events we have lined up for you this term. In particular, I would like to encourage you all to think about taking up a role in the committee, so this society can continue to grow in the following year.

3 minute read

Freshers Dinner, 23 Oct, 19:00 Freshers and non-freshers welcome! We would like to invite you all to a casual and relaxed ‘Welcome Dinner’ at Las Iguanas. Meet, mingle and enjoy a nice meal with your fellow Austrian students and students interested in the Austrian culture. Where: Las Iguanas, 40 Park End Street, OX1 1JD When: 23 October, 19:00 For planning purposes please sign up here no later than 16 October. Thank you!