Hans-Jörg Schelling WHEN: 10.05.2016, 15:00 WHERE: Brasenose College, Lecture Room XI Hans Jörg Schelling (born 27 Dezember 1953 in Hohenems, Vorarlberg as Johann Georg Schelling) is an Austrian entrepreneur, politician (ÖVP) and has been Austrian Minister of Finance since 1 September 2014. Alfred Gusenbauer and Peter Haselsteiner WHEN: 10.05.2016, 18:00 WHERE: Christ Church College, Blue Boar Lecture Theatre Alfred Gusenbauer (born 8 February 1960) is an Austrian politician who until 2008 spent his entire professional life as an employee of the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) or as a parliamentary representative.
Friday, 06.05.2016 Brasenrose College, Lecture Room XI Matthias Strolz (geboren am 10. Juni 1973 in Bludenz) ist österreichischer Politiker. Er ist Gründungsmitglied und Vorsitzender der Partei NEOS – Das Neue Österreich und Liberales Forum sowie seit 29. Oktober 2013 Abgeordneter zum österreichischen Nationalrat. Dinner Sign-Up: https://goo.gl/cm0R5f Dinner Location: Christ Church College Dinner Cost: £8.12 Please only sign up for the dinner if you plan to attend. Unfortunately, places for the dinner are limited and will be allocated through a lottery in case of excess demand.
Dear Members, Welcome back to another term in Oxford! We hope you’ve all had an enjoyable break. And good luck to those who have exams coming up! The new committee have been busy planning an exciting list of events for the coming weeks. See below for our brand new term card, and details on the next few weeks of events. We are always looking to host more social events, and are very happy to be guided by your ideas and preferences on that.